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Home > News > Steel plant welding process
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Steel plant welding process

Time:[2014-6-11]  Hits:4890

Foshan Steel plant welding process
Such issues directly affect the quality of the project are the main issues, so this type of problem must use professional testing tools through a professional testing company can detect, judge it, generally based on the shortcomings of the type of weld into slag, not fusion and pores.


Welding processes. The processes are hidden works, one of the most easy to attack process quality problems, from 2004 a company's product quality report statistics show that the onset of the process of quality problems: Because the quality of welding seam failure rates resulting in up to 80% , followed the wrong procedure is due to operational and technical issues of the operator and the resulting weld quality problems accounted for about 10%.

Copyright:佛山市勝邦鋼結構有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粵ICP備13078463號